
29 August, 2024

Alentejo: paradijs voor duursporters

Alentejo.picknick. fietsen. duursport. sporten. Foto Elly van Hulst 2024

Uitgestrekte landschappen, rustige wegen, prachtige natuur, authentieke dorpjes en een heerlijk landklimaat. Deze kenmerken van de Alentejo vormen samen perfecte omstandigheden voor duursporters. De echt hete dagen in de hoogzomer daargelaten, natuurlijk. Ikzelf ben weer gaan hardlopen, een paar keer per week. Ik mag dan in het verleden een topsporter zijn geweest, ik moest mijn trainingen…

About Elly

Since 1997 Elly is the director of Elly van Hulst Real Estate, Lda. She is Government licensed [AMI no. 6392] and a member of APEMIP [Association of Professional Real Estate agents in Portugal, no. 3076].

What did Elly before?

Elly competed for almost 20 years as a world class athlete (runner) in competitions all over the world. She competed in the Olympic Games of Los Angeles (’84) and Seoul (’88) as well as in several World and European Championships.

She held the world record 3000m indoor 12 years (1989-2001), was 2 times World Champion and 3 times European Champion and holder of more than 70 Dutch titles. See with this link on Dutch TV Elly running her World Record and becoming World Champion in Budapest 1989. Since 1980 she went for warm weather training to Portugal several times each year. During those stages she fell in love with the people and areas in Portugal and decided after ending her running career to start her own business.


AMI Nº 6392 APEMIP Nº 3076

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